Awards (Belmont, Aylmer, Dorchester Blazers)

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PrintIn Memory of John Killough Heart in Midget U18
In Memory of John Killough Heart in Midget U18
This award is presented in memory of a member of our community that was all heart. Having heart means demonstrating a strong and unwavering commitment to ones beliefs, goals and values often in the face of adversity. The young lady deserving of the award encompasses qualities of courage, determination, resilience and passion both physically and emotionally. She upholds her values and purse her goals while demonstrating empathy and compassion with her team.
Winners By Year
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    Maddie Pinnegar
    Maddie has a motor that never stops, putting 100% into every shift. Often the fastest player on the ice, she uses her speed to create offense, relieve pressure in the defensive zone, cause havoc on the forecheck and always be back defensively, causing headaches for opponents. Maddie rounds off her offensive game with good hands and a solid shot with a nose for the net that sees her create a lot of opportunities. Faced with adversity this year with an injury sustained off the ice.