Apr 06, 2018 | benvandepeer | 1318 views
Welcome to Bantam AA Blazer tryouts
Tryouts for the newly formed Bantam AA team:
April 12th at 7pm - 8pm in Dorchester - PRACTICE
April 14th at 4pm - 5:30pm in Aylmer - PRACTICE
April 15th at 6:30pm - 8pm in Dorchester - BLACK vs. WHITE GAME
April 17th at 6pm - 7:30pm at West Middlesex Arena vs. Bluewater Bantam AA
April 18th at 7pm - 8:30pm in Dorchester - PRACTICE
You will be assigned a number during tryouts which will be communicated through the tryout process on our Bantam AA webpage as we make player releases.
Please arrive 1hr before ice time to register. Please bring your own water bottles through the duration of the tryouts.
If you have any questions, contact Ben Van De Peer at [email protected] or call/text 226-984-1305
*Reminder that you will be required to have a PTS prior to joining tryouts.