The tryout process is a stressful time for
all involved including coaches, players, parents, and evaluators. A big thank
you to everybody that was involved in the process.
Announcing the final roster of the
2024/2025 BAD Blazes U13C:
B. Anderson
A. Chipchase
L. Ens
M. From
E. Howe
G. Kamenar
E. Lobodzinski
S. McCoy
R. McLeod
V. Mott
A. Sleegers
N. Trumper
M. Tuckett
A. Versnick
G. Walpole
R. Willsie
Parents, if you
would, please contact me so we can set up a parent meeting in the next week or
two to discuss some of the logistics for the season. You can send an email to [email protected] or
phone/text: 519-619-5409